Brothers, Harry (Chocolate) & Jasper (Lilac) |
Jasper caught sticking his tongue out! |
Exploring the outdoors |
We are enjoying our 2 new additions, now 16 weeks old! Harry is a lot like our Louis in nature. Why 2? well we thought they could keep each other company & play together, so far so good apart from the curtains that aren't standing the test of time! We love the Burmese breed, they are such loving & loyal cats & although my favourite colouring is Brown like Louis, we couldn't go with another, as it is Matt's calling Harry "Louis" at times. We miss our old man but having these 2 running around the house is what we needed & they are a lot of fun & keep me company when crafting, which I will be posting some of that shortly. I have been busy & blogging has taken a holiday! I have been tidying & clearing the way for new products, some wedding stationary complete (posting that in July) & I'm working 2 days a week so getting myself back on track & in some kind of routine.
Just a totally random landing, and I see a cat posting! I never had Burmese. They look like fine animals enjoying the outdoors. I notice the harness. Have a nice morning, noon, or night, or whatever it is!
Greg and his cats.
It's good to see that you have ventured back into the petowner world. They do create lovely entertainment and companionship. Hope all is going well. Working??? No wonder you have been quiet for a little while. What are you doing?
Your boys are beautiful! That was a very wise idea getting two so they have each other to play with. I got two Ragdoll boys a year ago and they get along famously. They do everything together and are not lonely when my husband and I go to work everyday.
Congrats on your new kitties!
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